Talk library Toil and Trouble: the problem of work without meaning: Work without leadership Ecclesiastes 4:13-5:9 | Speaker: Richard Bray | Date: 26 June 2012 Toil and Trouble: the problem of work without meaning: Work without relationship Ecclesiastes 4:1-12 | Speaker: Richard Bray | Date: 19 June 2012 Mixed up world: why is life so frustrating?: Why do the worst people often succeed? Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:3 | Speaker: Rob Phillips | Date: 27 March 2012 Mixed up world: why is life so frustrating?: Why does life have to be up and down? Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 | Speaker: Rob Phillips | Date: 20 March 2012 Mixed up world: why is life so frustrating?: Why doesn't anything good last for ever? Ecclesiastes 1:1-2:26 | Speaker: Rob Phillips | Date: 13 March 2012 « Previous page